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Annual Internet Project Plan to Secretary of Budget & Management (Chapter 5, Acts of 2000; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 3-403(d)).

Annual List of emergency facilities [for mental health evaluations] to be published (Code Health-General Article, sec. 10-621).

Annual List of licensed audiologists, hearing aid dispensers, & speech-language pathologists issued by State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, & Speech-Language Pathologists (Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 2-205).

Annual List of licensed social workers issued by State Board of Social Work Examiners (Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 19-205).

Annual publication by State Health Services Cost Review Commission (with Maryland Health Care Commission) of severity-adjusted average changes of acute-care hospitals for most common inpatient diagnosis-related groups (Chapter 48, Acts of 2006; Code Health-General Article, sec. 19-207).

Annual Report of vital statistics & population projections to be published (Code Health-General Article, sec. 4-219).

Annual Report to each court that has ordered a defendant committed as incompetent (Code Health-General Article, sec. 12-107).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on annual tobacco study due Sept. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-1004).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on assisted-living facilities due Dec.15 (Chapter 102, Acts of 2003).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on counter-marketing & media component of Tobacco Use Prevention & Cessation Program due Sept. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-1013).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on Department's efforts to transition nursing facility residents to home-community-based services due Jan. 1 (Chapter 426, Acts of 2004; Code Health-General Article, sec. 15-135).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on Maryland Cancer Registry (Code Health-General Article, sec. 18-204).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on activities of cancer registry due Sept. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-1104).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities due Jan. (15th day of legislative session) (Chapter 319, Acts of 2004; Code Health-General Article, sec. 20-1006).

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on Substance Abuse Treatment Outcomes Partnerships due Dec. 1 (Chapter 675, Acts of 2000; Code Health-General Article, sec. 8-6C-03).

Annual Report (with Baltimore City Health Department) to Governor & General Assembly on AIDS Prevention Sterile Needle & Syringe Exchange Pilot Program due Jan. 31 (Chapter 178, Acts of 1997).

Annual Report to Governor, General Assembly, & Maryland Higher Education Commission on shortages in health care personnel & projected vacancies for such positions in hospitals & related institutions.

Annual Report to Governor, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Health & Government Operations Committee on Cancer Prevention, Education, Screening & Treatment Program due Jan. 15 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-1102).

Annual Report to Governor, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Environmental Matters Committee on Tobacco Use Prevention & Cessation Program due Jan. 15 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-1002).

Annual Report (with Secretary of Human Resources) to Governor, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Health & Government Operations Committee on integration of child welfare & substance abuse treatment services, which includes comparison of availability of treatment slots with actual demand and estimated need, due Dec. 15, through 2007 (Chapter 550, Acts of 2000; Code Family Law Article, sec. 5-1206).

Annual Report to Governor; Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee; & House Health & Government Operations Committee on plan to reduce health care disparities due Sept. 30 (Chapter 453, Acts of 2003).

Annual Report to Governor; Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee; & House Health & Government Operations Committee on Hepatitic C virus due Dec. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 18-1001; Chapter 249, Acts of 2006).

Annual Report to General Assembly on Maryland Cancer Fund due Aug. 31 (Chapter 392, Acts of 2004; Code Health-General Article, sec. 20-117).

Annual Report to General Assembly on complaint system for members & subscribers of health maintenance organizations due Jan. 1.

Annual Report to General Assembly on departmental actions to prevent homelessness of mentally ill persons due Jan. 1.

Annual Report to General Assembly on inspections of hospitals & related institutions due during regular legislative session (Code Health-General Article, sec. 19-308).

Annual Report to General Assembly on managed care organizations due June 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 15-102.4).

Annual Report to General Assembly on Maryland Partnership for Long-Term Care Program due Oct. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 15-407).

Annual Report (with Maryland Insurance Commissioner) to General Assembly on Maryland Partnership for Long-Term Care Program due Jan. 1, beginning 2008 (Chapter 492, Acts of 2006).

Annual Report to General Assembly & Department of Legislative Services on Mental Hygiene Community-Based Services Fund due Jan. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 10-208).

Annual Report to General Assembly & Department of Legislative Services on State efforts to promote home-community-based services due Jan. 1 (Chapter 303, Acts of 2003).

Annual Report (with Secretary of Housing & Community Development & Secretary of Human Resources) to Joint Committee on Welfare Reform on Family Investment Program & related benefits & services due Oct. 1.

Annual Report to Legislative Policy Committee on physician quality assurance due Jan. 1.

Annual Report to Department of Budget & Management on condition of each public improvement under its jurisdiction due May 31 (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 4-408).

Annual Report to Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator on Equal Employment Opportunity Program due Oct. 15 (Chapter 347, Acts of 1996; Code State Personnel & Pensions Article, sec. 5-205).

Annual Report to Records Management Division of Department of General Services on forms management due July 31 (Chapter 286, Acts of 1984; Code State Government Article, sec. 10-608).

Annual Report to Secretary of Budget & Management on equal employment opportunity practices due Oct. 15 (Executive Order 01.01.2007.09).

Annual Report to Secretary of Budget & Management on personnel matters due Oct. 15 (Code State Personnel & Pensions Article, sec. 4-301).

Annual Report to Secretary of General Services on personal records (Chapter 284, Acts of 1984; Code State Government Article, sec. 10-624).

Annual Report to State Commission on Infant Mortality Prevention on infant deaths due June 30 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 4-219).

Annual Report of Board of Review to Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene (Code Health-General Article, sec. 2-206).

Annual Report of Cervical Cancer Committee to Governor & General Assembly due Oct. 1 (Chapter 283, Acts of 2004).

Annual Report of Community Services Reimbursement Rate Commission to Governor, General Assembly, & Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene due Oct. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-809).

Annual Report of Governor's Wellmobile Program Advisory Board (with University of Maryland School of Nursing) to Governor & General Assembly on Governor's Wellmobile Program due Sept. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-303).

Annual Report of Health & Human Services Referral Board to Governor & General Assembly on pilot programs for health & human services referral system due Dec. 31 (Chapter 390, Acts of 2004; Code Health-General Article, sec. 24-1104).

Annual Report of Maryland Commission for Men's Health to Governor & General Assembly (through 2010) (Chapter 442, Acts of 2006).

Annual Report of Maryland Community Health Resources Commission to Governor, General Assembly, & Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene due Oct. 1 (Chapter 280, Acts of 2005; Code Health-General Article, sec. 19-2107).

Annual Report of Maryland Health Care Commission on selected health care services due Oct. 1, to be published.

Annual Report of Maryland Health Care Commission to Governor & General Assembly on costs of mandated health insurance services due Dec. 31 (Chapter 582, Acts of 1999; Code Insurance Article, sec. 15-1501).

Annual Report of Maryland Health Care Commission to Governor, General Assembly, & Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene due Dec. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 19-109).

Annual Report of Maryland Health Care Commission & State Health Services Cost Review Commission to General Assembly on Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund due Sept. 1 (Chapter 385, Acts of 2003; Code Health-General Article, sec. 19-130).

Annual Report of Maryland Health Care Commission to Senate President, House Speaker, Senate Finance Committee, House Economic Matters Committee, & House Environmental Matters Committee on mandated health insurance benefits due Dec. 1 (Chapter 588, Acts of 1998).

Annual Report of Maryland Medicaid Advisory Committee to Governor & General Assembly to be published (Code Health-General Article, sec. 15-103).

Annual Report of Mental Hygiene Administration to Governor & Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene (Code Health-General Article, sec. 10-204).

Annual Report of Mental Hygiene Administration to Governor, Senate President, & House Speaker on placement of children & adolescents in private therapeutic group homes (Code Health-General Article, sec. 10-925).

Annual Report of Mental Health Administration to General Assembly & Department of Legislative Services on Mental Hygiene Community-Based Services Fund due Jan. 1 (Chapter 303, Acts of 2004; Code Health-General Article, sec. 10-208).

Annual Report of Mental Hygiene Administration to Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene on patient deaths (Code Health-General Article, sec. 10-714).

Annual Report of Mortality & Quality Review Committee (Chapter 470, Acts of 2000; Chapter 268, Acts of 2006; Code Health-General Article, sec. 5-808).

Annual Report of Osteoporosis Prevention & Education Task Force to Governor & General Assembly due Dec. 1 (Chapter 443, Acts of 2002; Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-1903).

Annual Report of State Advisory Council on Arthritis & Related Diseases to Governor (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-506).

Annual Report of State Advisory Council on High Blood Pressure & Related Cardiovascular Risk Factors to Governor (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-206).

Annual Report of State Board of Dietetic Practice to Governor due Sept. 30 (Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 5-205).

Annual Report of State Board of Electrologists to Governor & Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene (Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 6-205).

Annual Report of State Board of Nursing to Governor & Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene (Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 8-205).

Annual Report of State Board of Pharmacy to Governor & General Assembly on Prescription Drug Repository Program due Jan. 1 (Chapter 287, Acts of 2006; Code Health-General Article, sec. 15-608).

Annual Report of State Board of Pharmacy to Governor & General Assembly on Wholesale Distributor Permitting & Prescription Drug Integrity Act due Jan. 1 (Chapter 353, Acts of 2007).

Annual Report of State Board of Pharmacy to Governor, Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene, & Maryland Pharmaceutical Association (Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 12-205).

Annual Report of State Board of Physician Quality Assurance to Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene & Medical & Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland (Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 14-205).

Annual Report of State Board of Physicians & Department of Health & Mental Hygiene to Senate Education, Health, & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Health & Government Operations Committee on Health Occupations Article due Dec. 1 (2003, 2004, 2005) (Chapter 252, Acts of 2003).

Annual Report of State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors to Governor & Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene (Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 17-205).

Annual Report of State Child Fatality Team to Governor & General Assembly (Code Health-General Article, sec. 5-704).

Annual Report of State Commission on Kidney Disease to Governor (Code Health-General Article, sec. 13-307).

Annual Report of State Health Services Cost Review Commission to Governor, General Assembly, & Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene due Oct. 1 (Code Health-General Article, sec. 19-207).

Annual Report of State Health Services Cost Review Commission to Senate Finance Committee & House Economic Matters Committee on nonprofit hospital community benefit reports compilation (Chapter 178, Acts of 2001; Code Health-General Article, sec. 19-303).

Annual Report of Technical Review Committee to Executive Board of Maryland Psychiatric Research Center (Code Health-General Article, sec. 10-429).

Annual Report of Youth Camp Safety Advisory Council to Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene (Chapter 388, Acts of 1993).

Biannual Report to General Assembly on Department's application to federal Health Care Financing Administration for amendment to home- and community-based services waiver (Chapter 126, Acts of 1999; Code Health-General Article, sec. 15-132).

Biannual Report to State Treasurer on anticipated debt during next seven-month period due Jan. 1 & July 1 (Chapter 11, Acts of 1985; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 2-106).

Biennial Report to General Assembly on Department waiver applications to federal Health Care Financing Administration (Code Health-General Article, sec. 15-130).

Quarterly Report to General Assembly on Department grant applications to federal Health Care Financing Administration (Code Health-General Article, sec. 15-133).

Quarterly Report to Senate Finance Committee & House Appropriations Committee on Family Investment Program recipients referred to substance abuse treatment (Chapter 593, Acts of 1997).

Quarterly Report to Department of Legislative Services on cooperation with Governor's Office for Children.

Quarterly Report of Developmental Disabilities Administration to Senate Budget & Taxation Committee & House Appropriations Committee on Administration's financial position.

Report to Governor & General Assembly on Cancer Prevention, Education, Screening & Treatment Program due within 1 year of approval or disapproval of all comprehensive plans for cancer prevention, education, screening, & treatment (Chapter 17, Acts of 2000).

Report to Governor & General Assembly on Rosewood Center closing plan due April 1, 2008, Jan. 1, 2009 & Jan. 1, 2010 (Executive Order 01.01.2008.01).

Report (with Dept. of Budget & Management, State Dept. of Education, Dept. of the Environment, Dept. of Housing & Community Development, Dept. of Human Resources, & Governor's Office for Children) to Governor & General Assembly on State plan for children with elevated levels of lead in their blood (Chapter 521, Acts of 1997).

Report (with Maryland Health Quality & Cost Council) to Governor & General Assembly on chronic care management plan due Dec. 1, 2009 (Chapter 693, Acts of 2008).

Report to Senate Finance Committee & House Economic Matters Committee on impact of Maryland Pharmacy Discount Program on independent & chain pharmacies participating in Program due one year from implementation of Program (Chapter 135, Acts of 2001).

Report to Senate Finance Committee & House Health & Government Operations Committee on whether all newborn infants in the State should be part of coordinated statewide system to screen for hereditary & congenital disorders due Dec. 1, 2008 (Chapter 319, Acts of 2008).

Report to Secretary of Budget & Management & Legislative Auditor on account examinations of private care providers under State contract due periodically.

Report to U.S. Centers for Disease Control on pertussis data (Code Health-General Article, sec. 18-331).

Report of Advisory Council on Prescription Drug Monitoring to Governor & General Assembly due Dec. 31, 2009 [interim report due Dec. 31, 2008] (Chapter 276, Acts of 2008).

Report of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Administration to General Assembly on Alcohol & Drug Treatment-to-Work Pilot Program due at conclusion of program (Chapter 469, Acts of 2000).

Report of Office of Health Care Quality to Senate Finance Committee, House Economic Matters Committee, & House Environmental Matters Committee on all regulatory changes regarding health maintenance organizations.

Report of State Board of Pharmacy to Senate Education, Health, & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Health & Government Operations Committee on electronic track-and-trace pedigree technology due Jan. 1, 2009 (Chapter 353, Acts of 2007).

Statistical Report on incidences of negative reactions to administration by optometrists of topical ocular diagnostic pharmaceutical agents.

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 Maryland Manual On-Line, 2008

June 30, 2008   
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